Youth Ministry's Greatest Asset

Volunteers are the greatest asset we have in youth ministry. They teach us how to think about a problem differently, how to connect with students, and how to love ministry.  They help us do the nitty gritty work, they help share the burdens of ministry, and they help us keep our heads on straight.  They encourage us to fight the good fight and never to quit.

Volunteers are a vital part of any growth in a ministry.   They are a sounding board for new ideas and a source for creative, inventive ways to do ministry.  They make the job of the youth pastor not only possible but enjoyable and fulfilling.

Volunteers help keep the ministry on track and keep us accountable.  They are teammates in the truest sense of the term.

They are the people that students connect with the most.  They are leading the small groups, they are building life changing relationships, they are discipling students one on one.

They don't stick around and put in the hours because they are getting paid, they do these things because they love to.  And that might be the greatest part about volunteers: they act because of their love for ministry, not out of vocational duty but out of passion and purpose.


So take a moment today and thank the volunteers that help make ministry possible at your church.  They are often the hardest working and the least acknowledged.

