Echo Conference 2012 Review

This was my first year at the Echo Conference and it was sweet.  I've been to my fair share of conferences and to be honest this is one of the best ones out there.  It's put together by great people and the experience from start to finish is nothing short of excellent.  As a conference for Artists, Geeks, and Storytellers there was a little bit of everything for everyone.  

Here are some of the conference highlights:

  • Change is inevitable, growth is intentional. - Kevin Ely
  • Excellence should always be the goal of our work. - Kevin Ely and Beth Johnson
  • We have a limited context within which to work and contribute our ideas. - John Saddington
  • We are the logo for God.  We represent Him to the world. - Todd Wagner
  • Creativity is the perpetual assault on the beachhead of apathy. - Todd Henry
  • Cover bands don't change the world. - Todd Henry
  • Die empty. - Todd Henry (Give everything I have to give.  Get today's work out of me today, don't hold on to it.)
  • If you can't be content with where you are you'll never be content when you get what you want. Contentment is a discipline, not a feeling. - Tony Hale
  • Don't worry about trends, stay true to yourself. - Jeff Sheldon


I learned so much from the people at this conference and I'm eager to keep thinking through all the notes I took and implementing the changes that are currently appropriate for our ministries.
