When A Church Says No

I just found out today that I am no longer being considered for the position I had recently interviewed for. The church moved quickly throughout the whole process, communicated clearly and honestly, and let me know exactly why I would no longer be considered for the position. All in all, this is exactly how the application and interview process for a church should go. Unfortunately, most of my experiences in trying to find a place in ministry involve little to no response from the churches, not even a 'thanks but no thanks' e-mail (you'd think that if anyone would and should be good at this it would be the Church, but I digress). 

Even though I didn't get a chance to visit this church, or ultimately get hired, I still appreciate the way in which they treated me. I'm disappointed because I feel like I could have done a good job and because it would have given me the chance to go back home but ultimately God's plans will be served in this. Which leads me to a few conclusions I've drawn from this experience:

  • God is still God when I don't get what I want (sounds childish when you spell it out like that, but it's the truth)
  • God can use me for his glory right where I am
  • Rejection still hurts
  • God's sovereignty and love for me give me hope that he will reveal his purposes in due time

So for those of you out there scouring the job boards and asking friends and family for leads about ministry positions, keep working hard and keep holding firm to God.